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  1. Thanks TG and Steve, had to look up some descriptors on the site of dictionary of automobile terms supplied by Dave. Yesssss..... looks exactly like a 1916 Chevrolet 490. So - neighbours likely had a Chevy previous to buying the car my grandfather lost. One more piece in the family puzzle. Still think it was a 1922 Oldsmobile that my grandfather bought. Wonder where the Chevy and Oldsmobile are today? The last picture I inserted is a Custom 1922 Olsmobile base and vintage truck chassis used in the Beverly Hillbillies TV Series.
  2. Attached is 1 picture of 1922 Oldsmobile 5 passenger Touring Car I located last night and a 1922 Add for Oldsmobile - cost $1,145.00, also 1922 Olds Coupe (I know the differnece now!) Thanks!! The fenders look similar and body but not sure radiator exact (not same height compared to headlights) and no slant for front windshield. Grandparents moved to town in 1923 and started over. First post with picture is the car of neighbors that bought repossessd car of grandparents. Possible but highly unkilely that my grandmother did not remember the make of the car that they lost the farm with and then neighbours driving it in the community. We have copy of Bill of Sale. Neigbours may have had a car previous to my grandparetns car. The label in their family album was "First Car". I have had lots of difficulty with the forum recognizing that I am really logged in and so could not attach till now.
  3. Patience - can instantly post but takes a few minutes for technology to make it possible to attach a file I guess!
  4. I am logged in - have logged in and out a few times now, can not get past the following eror message when try to follow directions for attaching a file = photo. I am in New Reply not Quick Reply when I click on File Mangaer I keep getting the following: We encountered a problem. The reason reported was You must be logged in to access this page! Please click back to return to the previous page.
  5. Thanks Dave! Ssooooooooo...... has 4 doors, front and back seats, soft top down, guess likley a 5 Passenger Touring Car. How can I get a picture to you?
  6. My grandparents lost a farm when couldn't make loan payments on new 1922 Olsdmobile? What is the difference between Coupe, Sedan, Roadster and 5 Passenger Touring Car? Found an 1922 add with original price for these models. Have picture and have tried to attach. Keep getting error message not logged in when click on File Manager - Preview Post is visible.
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