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Everything posted by pyntre

  1. Hi Tim, I was hoping you would reply to this . Sort of sounds like the same procedure I used to remove the track arm bushings. Only difference I guess is that I can't put the Frame in a vise on the workbench BUMMER !!!! I am in Stillwater Mn just down the street ! Thanks for the info and advice, it gives me the confidence to "just get at it" so to speak! I am a big fan of those one off tools that you only use once a decade just to say you have it but sometimes the flaming wrench and all mighty hammer rule! Thanks for the info , TORR
  2. Hi everybody, This is my first post as a member of ROA, though I have been reading this forum for a long time. I have a 65 Riv , 90K miles , and I am rebuilding the entire suspension front and rear. I have gotten to the toughest part so far , HOW DO YOU REMOVE THE OLD FRONT LOWER CONTROL ARM BUSHINGS ??? I am doing this on jackstands in my garage , I have the lower control arm out completely so I do have some room to work. Is there a puller // press that will do this job ? I know brute force and a air chisel COULD do the job but thats why I'm typing this hoping there is a delibrate way / tool to accomplish this .Anyone have any advice ?? Thanks in advance !!! TORR
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