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1960 Edsel Wagon Wanted

Harold F Davis III

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Interesting but you cannot make a 'fake' 1960 Edsel wagon. 


They only made a little less that 3000 1960 Edsels in all body styles. 

They made only about 275 1960 Edsels wagons in total.


While a 1960 Edsel sedan front clip can be bolted onto a 1960 Ford and the different dashboard and interior trim items can be physically swapped, 1960 Edsel wagons have unique tail trim. The taillight bezels and lenses are smaller than the sedan and there is a huge piece of wagon only diecast trim that connects them. There are no NOS or reproduced trim items. The pieces needed to make a 1960 Edsel wagon, come only from a 1960 Edsel wagon. 


So, if you have a rusty, beat up, Edsel and you moved the trim and other pieces to a more restorable Ford wagon you have essentially restored the Edsel using the Ford, you have not made a 'fake' Edsel. 


It is POSSIBLE to move the 1960 Edsel trim from a 2 door sedan to a Ford convertible, (and it might LOOK like an Edsel) but it can never be a 'real' 1960 Edsel as there are subtle details that an EDSEL expert could easily detect to identify the change in body style.

Since 1960 Edsel convertibles are big dollar cars any potential buyer would be foolish to not have the car of interest authenticated. 

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