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*******Has anyone heard of the below do dad please - how long it holds it charge etc and so on - is it worth while?

[h=1]Digital 8000mAh Portable Car Jump-Starter Power Pack[/h]

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Retail: $149.99


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  • Description
  • Product Details

We've all had that moment of panic when our car battery goes flat. Then follows the hunt to find someone to give your car battery a boost. You'll never be stranded again with this Digital 8000mAh Portable Car Jump-Starter Power Pack by your side--and in your vehicle! It's a multi-task UL-certified charger that comes with extension for all new phone types and devices, mini jumper cables (over 10 jump starts), lighter charger, and best of all, it is pocket size. Jump on this deal and easily store this little beauty in your glove box.


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Guest PontiacDude210

I have trouble starting a dead car with a 600 cca jumper pack. I can't imagine this would be instant, or even as effective as maintaining your battery and charging system properly.

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Seems legit, though only having the thinnest of relevance to Reattadom. I saw this battery pack written up in Automobile magazine this month. I place little faith in this thing to jump a car. The law of thermodynamics being what it is, 8 amps (in this battery pack supposedly) will not start a car with a dead or even 50% discharged battery. It will make a nice, if somewhat expensive, portable battery for recharging phones and the like, and a very expensive LED flashlight. Maybe it will provide enough boost to start a car with a battery just at the threshold of not being able to turn over the engine. In any case, the math is questionable.

Then again, most small portable jump packs as the HF one linked by Padgett contain a 12v 7-9Ah lead acid gel cell battery. So, the power density is nearly identical just the form factor is different. Li polymer batteries have a very high power density versus lead acid and AGM types thus the small size. Their discharge characteristics are not neccessarily comparable in the same application however.

Witness how the runtime per charge falls off with smartphone batteries after few months. Most are of the Lithium Ion or polymer composition and exhibit noticeably reduced lifespan per charge within 6-8 months from new with typical use. My Samsung GS3 is showing this very issue. Luckily the battery is user replaceable, unlike most current and semi-recent smartphone models. That said, I'd not want to carry around a motorcycle battery to run it, even of the discharge curve was much better.


Edited by KDirk (see edit history)
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