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Roberta needs our prayers Please read


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Brian DePouli just emailed me to let me know and asked that I post this. While not sure of the details it seems Roberta Vasilow was in Columbus OH on her way to the the National Trials and had a stroke or brain aneurism and was possibly involved in an auto accident. She was airlifted to Grant Hospital in critical condition. I am taking this from what Brian knew about it and what has been posted here on the V-8 site. http://www.v8buick.com/<wbr>showthread.php?286249-Pray-<wbr>for-Roberta-Vasilow

I will add more as I learn it. Please pray for her.

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An excerpt from one of the latest V-8 posts of early morning "She Is responsive & Breathing on her own, and they are going to remove the Breathing Tube shortly. Signs are Definitely Better than last evening."

and as of 10:10 this morning from a nurse at the hospital "I just stopped to see Roberta. She is in ICU but stable"

Please God, be with her and please don't take her from us yet...

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I am no medical expert, but having been through a similar situation with my last stroke, they brace went on as a precaution when I bumped my head passing out, and it stayed for three days, as a precaution, until they were certain I had no nerve injury. Hope Roberta's situation is similar and it seems her response is a good sign.

Joe, thanks for keeping us informed.


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I just lost a good friend and long-time co-worker due to mis-diagnosed heart issues. Hearing of Roberta's issues brings my prayers for her successful full recovery. At least, the later information is very promising! Thanks, Joe, for that later information! Roberta has meant a LOT to the BCA for many years, plus helping keep the Buick performance capabilities alive with her drag race activities.

Best wishes for a full recovery, Roberta!


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From V8Buick forum

Posted yesterday about 3pm Eastern time

link; http://www.v8buick.com/showthread.php?286249-Pray-for-Roberta-Vasilow&p=2360239#post2360239

August 3, 2014


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icon1.png Re: Pray for Roberta Vasilow

They are giving her one more CT scan and then hopefully sending her home tomorrow.


Not a single V8 in the garage...just a little V6 Regal....FWD.......looks kinda stock.....

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from V8Buick

David Hemker

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icon1.png Re: Pray for Roberta Vasilow

Talked to Roberta today. She is back in Michigan staying at a friends house for a bit. She is doing well, making progress and should be out & about soon.

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