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More Car Parts>Accessories>Literature>Pictures>From 50 year old collection>Fresh to the Market

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Hi Guys, keep checking for more items listed every few days!!!! I have more items listed on eBay all at NO-RESERVE. I use to have a 28 Cadillac so I have several items listed for 28-29 Cadillac LaSalle including a rare door post hinge rear view mirror with the Cadillac logo. Also, Radiator Caps, Art Deco Heater, Gas Pump parts, Books and literature, Great running board trunk or petite trunk for back of a car, Super neat neon stop light in the shape of a hand, a couple great pictures of a Curttis Aero Car Travel Trailer. Whoeverr buys both of these pictures I will give them 1st right of refusal to another 80 different pictures of the Curttis Aero car, this salesman album of real 8 x10 photo's came out of the Tommy Milton (indy 500) estate years ago. Thanks, Jimmy. My sellers moniker is: fej25

below is a link to what I have on eBay now:

items in Classic Car Parts and Accessories store on eBay!<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end -->

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