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A possible answer to overheating V-12's!!


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Hi, just heard about this, not trying to run an ad, but if you are having overheating problems, this may be a solution, check it out, Rolf

Hi, I will do 10 or 12 sets at the same price as the Ford pumps. That is $200 per set plus S&H $15.00 for a total of

$215.00. I may have to increase them later as the cost and labor is more than the Ford types. Once the 10 or 12 people see how well they work word of mouth does the rest as far as repeat orders. This is how it worked with the Ford pumps. I have all the parts, worked out all the problems and they perform slightly better than expected which is always a good feeling. Every pump is tested on a machine and the pair are matched in output flow so there is no doubt how each set will work when shipped. I am ready to take orders and they will be returned in a week to 10 days from when I receive them. Thanks, Skip


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